Getting Started with Delighted Surveys

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Welcome to Delighted Surveys!

Discover the flexibility, refinement, and appeal of Delighted Surveys. Our Help Center will guide you through every single feature. 

🤞 That said, Delighted Surveys is so intuitive that you may not need any of this!

Click this video to see why Delighted Surveys the finest survey solution out there!

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Switching to and from Delighted Surveys & Delighted CX

Delighted Surveys has a specialized companion product — Delighted CX. 

Switching between the two is as easy as picking "Delighted Surveys" or "Delighted CX" from the switcher menu. 

A bit about Delighted CX

CX is a powerful end-to-end solution for in-depth customer experience research. It tackles NPS, CSAT, and more. Give CX a go with a 14-day trial.

See how CX can combine with Surveys to further empower your research in Delighted Surveys or CX? Features & Uses.

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About the Help Center & the Beacon

The Surveys Help Center will trek you through:

1 Creating & Editing Surveys
2 Publishing & Sending Surveys
3 Reporting & Analytics
4 Integrating & Connecting Surveys
5 Managing your Account

To open the Help Center, visit or click "Help" → "Help center" . . . 

. . . and click the handy support "Beacon" at the bottom of each page to find suggested articles, start a Help Center keyword search, or begin a conversation with our support team.

Speaking of support...

To reach out to our support team, either:

Choose "Ask" in the Beacon
Click "Contact" in the top right corner of this Help Center 
→ which opens a Beacon where you can send us a note
Select "Help" → "Give feedback" → if you wish to share ideas with us. 

We want to hear from you! 

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