Google Sheets Integration for Surveys

In this article:

Suggested next article: Publishing and Sending Surveys.

About the Google Sheets integration

Use Google Sheets to track the status of your Delighted Surveys, share feedback, and analyze your data with all the power of a spreadsheet. 

After the initial set-up . . .

The Google Sheets Integration automatically:
1 Creates a new Google spreadsheet with a name you provide (ex. "Museum NPS")
2 Generates a column for each response field
3 Populates each incoming response in a new row
4 Adds a new Tab for any new Survey you add to a single Google Sheets file (ex. "Museum Gift Shop")

After completing the setup, Surveys will display the delightfully adorable Google Sheets icon in the corner of the My surveys index card.

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Setting up Google Sheets for the first time

Part 1 — Connecting to and authenticating with Google Sheets

Tap the "Integrations" tab
Choose "Google Sheets"

Click "Connect"
Follow the onscreen instructions to log into Google Sheets → and authenticate the Delighted Google Sheets integration by clicking "Continue" and "Allow" as requested through the authentication screens. 

Click important permissions if necessary

If these two security permissions are not checked automatically for you — click each box!  If you see this option: “See, edit, create and delete only the specific Google Drive files you use with this,” the permission must be selected too.

Before continuing, review the connection process by watching this little GIF.

Part 2 — Publishing your Surveys to Google Sheets

After authenticating and connecting with Google Sheets, you’ll be directed back to Delighted Surveys, where there are two possibilities regarding publishing:

Published Surveys

If you've already published one or more surveys, they'll be listed in your Connections section automatically.

Notice the green toggle showing that the "Museum NPS" survey is active (aka, Enabled), whereas the Museum Gift Shop survey is connected, but has not been Enabled for Google Sheets.

Unpublished Surveys

If you haven't yet published any surveys, your Connections section will be empty.

Click "Create a new survey to get started" and publish a survey or two.

Can I set up Google Sheets before I begin collecting feedback?

Yes. It's common practice to prepare your Google Sheets integration before responses start rolling in!

But even you have collected responses, no worries. There's a handy "Send a one-time backfill" option so you and import all of your current responses and continue from there.

Part 3 — Adding rules

To send a survey's feedback to your Google Sheets file:

Click "Edit" to the right any published Survey → ex. "Museum NPS"
Pick "Add a rule"
Select your "Question" and "With response" settings → (ex. "Any question" with "Any response" which sends every response to your spreadsheet)
Name your spreadsheet in the "Send responses to" box → (ex. use any name, including the Survey's name, such as "Museum NPS")
Recommended: Check "Send a one-time backfill" → to upload existing feedback into your new Sheet

Click "Save rule"

Part 4 — Enabling

Click "Disabled" to "Enabled"
From your "Connections" page → click the "Disabled" toggle and switch to the green "Enabled" setting

About setting up multiple Google Sheets

Your Delighted Google Sheets integration must create the Google spreadsheet so that Surveys knows where to export the results!

And you can create as many Google Sheets as you may need through our integration. We even keep track of them for you, so that if your target spreadsheet has already been created in Google Sheets → you can select it from the drop-down menu. 

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Testing Rules and viewing your responses in Google Sheets

Open Google Sheets and locate your target Delighted Surveys integration file. (You may need to refresh your Google Drive or pick Recent from the sidebar.)

Send a test message!

To test your Google Sheets integration: 

Open your Google Sheets integration 
Select "Test"
Pop open Google Sheets and view your test results! 
Did it work? (Note: You can "Delete" this row!)

Viewing responses

The integration will create a column for each field including a combination of native response fields — ex. Response ID, Project ID, Survey ID, Survey Name, Response Created timestamp, and Response Updated timestamp.

Most importantly, you'll see the Responses to your questions — both your partial and completed responses.

Responses will be updated after a 10 minute delay to allow respondents to complete their questions.

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Connecting multiple Surveys to a single Google Sheet

News flash! You have two options: 

  1. You can connect all of your surveys to separate Google Sheets
  2. Combine multiple surveys into a single Google Sheet — each with a tab of their own!

To send feedback from a published Survey to an existing Google sheet:

Click "Integrations" → and reopen the Google Sheets integration
Click "Edit"  → found on your Survey's tile (ex. "Museum Gift Shop")
Select "Add a rule"
Choose your settings → (we defaulted to "Any question" with "Any response" for the Question and With response settings)
Pick "Send responses to"  → and choose an existing spreadsheet from the list (ex. "Museum NPS")
Optional: Click "Send a one-time backfill"
Select "Save rule"

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Editing Rule settings — (ex. changing questions, responses, and Google Sheets too!) 

Use the Edit option to alter and refine your Rule selections. In this case, we'll filter the Rule just send responses for Detractors (0-6) from an NPS question to an existing Google Sheets file: 

Open your Google Integration
Pick "Edit" → seen in the corner of your Survey's tile 
Change the "Question" and "With response" settings → (ex. we picked an NPS question with 0-6, Detractors only, as our "With response" choice)
Select Send responses to → (ex. we picked "New spreadsheet")
Name your new spreadsheet → (ex. "Detractors") 
Select "Save" rule

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Filtering Rules and Sheets for team members — by response type (ex. numeric, graphical, text)

Create as many rules as you need for a single survey. Why you ask? Well here's a potential use case:

  • Set up separate Google sheets tied to specific Rules, so team members only see the data that’s relevant to them! (How convenient will that be?)

You can filter by all of your questions — and generate new spreadsheets for team members — based on any type of question in your questionnaire. For example, our A) Museum NPS survey questionnaire has been segmented in the below image by Rules for:

  • B) Text questions
  • C) Numeric scale-point questions
  • D) Graphic scale-point question types.

In the Rule making process, you can generate — and share — separate Google Sheets emphasizing the specific questions and responses you filter with the Google Sheets integration, all from the same survey. Filter your spreadsheets by any type of question you can possibly create!

Use your Google Sheets Sharing options to pass these spreadsheets over to the affected team members. 

Let's review our three examples and show you how their unique Sheets are created. 

B Graphic scale Rule Pick from a range of responses from a graphic survey question (in this case a "Smileys" graphical question) and send it to a new Google Sheet. The sheet will only display responses respondents that answer this graphical (ex. Smileys) Likert scale question. (The full response is included to provide context.)
C Numeric scale Rule Pick from a range of responses from a numeric survey question and only send responses to a new Google Sheet for those who have answered that question. (The full response is included for context.) 

D Text entry Rule Display only responses that from those that leave comments to a text question.  (The full response is included for context.)

Graphic scale Rule

Open your Google Sheets integration → and click "Edit" in your survey's tile
Select "Add a rule"
In the "Add a rule" model's settings, make the following selections:
Setting Explanation
Question Pick a graphic question type → (ex. a "Smilies" question with a "5-point scale")
With response Pick your low scale point and high scale point for the graphic response → (ex. look carefully for the smileys icons in the image below that track the scale points)
Send responses to Select and name your new spreadsheet → (ex. "Food choice satisfaction")
Recommended: Click "Send a one-time backfill"
Save your new rule 

Numeric scale Rule

Open your Google Sheets integration → and click "Edit" in your survey's tile
Select "Add a rule"
In the Add a rule model's options, make the following selections:
Setting Explanation
Question Pick a numeric question type → (ex. an "NPS" question with an "11-point scale")
With response Pick your low scale point and high scale point for the numeric response → (ex. we picked 9-10, which represent Promoters in NPS research)
Send responses to Select and name your new spreadsheet → (ex. "NPS promoters")
Recommended: Click "Send a one-time backfill"
Save your fabulous new rule 

Text entry Rule

Open your Google Sheets integration → and click Edit in your survey's tile
Select Add a rule
In the Add a rule model's options, make the following selections:
Setting Explanation
Question Pick a text question type → (ex. "What can we do to improve . . . ")
With response Choose "Is not empty"
Send responses to Select and name your new spreadsheet → (ex. "Text response feedback")
Recommended: Click "Send a one-time backfill"
Save your talkative new Rule 

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Deleting rules

To remove a Rule from your Google Sheets integration:

Open the Google Integration
Pick "Edit" → seen in your Survey's tile in the Connections section
Select the "X" → seen at the far right of the tile
Click "Yes, delete rule" → and poof, the connection is broken. If you need it back again, simply recreate the rule

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Why is there the 10-minute delay before Google Sheets updates?

By default, we include a 10-minute delay between a response being received in Surveys and a new row being created in Google Sheets. This delay ensures that respondents have adequate time to leave comments before syncing begins.

After 10 minutes have expired, any completed (or partially completed) response will be forward from Surveys to your Google Sheet — and a new row will be added to the connected spreadsheet(s).

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Why can't I sync data to any spreadsheet in my Google Sheets Account?

For security reasons, our integration cannot view spreadsheets in your Google Sheets account that it did not create. 

As a result, you cannot sync data to pre-existing spreadsheets created outside of the Delighted Google integration.

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