Shopify Integration for Surveys

Enhance your Post-Purchase data collection!

Use Delighted Surveys to effortlessly collect vital data after purchases in your Shopify store. 

Select or modify a template — or create your survey from scratch! Craft the perfect survey for your unique store — then place it directly in your Shopify  Thank You and Order Status pages.

For example, some stores start with our "How Did You Hear About Us?" attribution template — because knowing how customers find you is critical. With this data you can clearly identify the touch points (social media ads, website visits, email marketing, etc.) that influence purchasing decisions.

And, Delighted Surveys can unlock much more than your attribution data. Create and run any type of survey on your Shopify Thank you and Order Status pages — from NPS (Net Promoter Score) to user research and everything in between.

Try our Delighted CX + Shopify evergreen integration 

Check out our Shopify + Delighted CX solutions for authoritative NPS, CSAT, 5-star, Smileys and other evergreen customer experience solutions. Try a 14-day free trial and fully experience the full power of using Delighted Surveys + CX in combination!   

In this article

Suggested next article: Creating surveys from Templates.

Picking a Surveys Template or creating from scratch!

While many Shopify stores start with our effective "How did you hear about us?" attribution template, don't feel limited in any way. Pick the perfect template for every stage of the customer journey. 

Or, create any bespoke survey from scratch that will better meet your needs — from NPS (Net Promoter Score) to user research — and place them directly on your Shopify Thank You and Order Status pages.

Start with confidence:

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Connecting and authenticating with Shopify

After creating your survey, you’re ready to connect with Shopify.

To connect with Shopify:

Select the "Integrations" tab
Click on the "Shopify" integration tile
Click "Connect" next to the survey you’d like to integrate with
Input your Shopify store URL → and click "Connect"
Select the Shopify account you’d like to connect with

Note: On your initial set up, you’ll need to accept a series of permissions in Shopify for the Delighted app.

Viewing, editing, and enabling your integration's rules

After authenticating with Shopify, you’ll be redirected back to Delighted automatically where you can view your Shopify integration settings and enable the integration. To get things started, we’ll automatically create the first rule for your integration (totally editable) and enable your integration.  

About Editing your Shopify Integration

You have several editing options: 

  • Click on "Add a rule" to create a new rule
  • Click "Edit" to change the existing rule
  • Pick "X" to remove a rule

Editing a rule is tackled in the Edit rule model. Simply make your updates and click "Save rule."

Each rule has the option to set the Customer Type; Country; and Sample Rate. For a breakdown of each of those settings, see our FAQs

About switching the toggle to Enabled

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Adding your survey to Thank You / Order Status pages

Once you’ve integrated with Shopify, you’re ready to add the survey to your Thank You and/or Order Status page.

To add the survey so:

Navigate to your Shopify store
Access your store’s theme → either through your onboarding guide (by clicking on "Customize theme") or via your "Settings" link on the left-hand menu
Click "Customize" → on your store’s theme page
Click on "Home page" → to expand your store’s pages
Click "Checkout and new customer accounts"
Open either the "Thank You" page or the "Order Status" page
Click on Add app block from the next page
Click on the "Post-Purchase survey Delighted Surveys" tile

Configure settings

To configure your settings:

Set your "Alignment" Use center alignment unless you’re asking a How Did You Hear About Us? question, in which case we’d recommend left alignment
Set the Log level  (You can leave this unselected unless you’re debugging the integration)


To preview your settings:

View your survey via the preview
Drag + drop your survey anywhere you’d like on the page

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Customizing your survey

All survey questions, logic, and content is configured directly within Delighted.

Within Shopify, you can adjust alignment of text (see above) and colors. To access your color settings, click on the gear icon when toggled into either your Thank You or Order Status pages:

Background colors

  • These colors will update the background of different sections of your Thank You and Order Status pages. The number of background colors depends on the number of page sections supported by your theme.
  • Delighted’s survey background will reflect the hex color you set for the page section in which the survey is embedded.
  • In the above screenshot, Background 2 is set to #FADAC3, and the Delighted survey is embedded in that section. As a result, the survey’s background takes on the hex color of #FADAC3

Button color

To set the button color, head to the Colors section and click on the color selector for Buttons:

  • Delighted’s survey buttons will reflect the hex color you select.
  • In the above screenshot, Buttons is set to #1878B9. As a result, the survey’s buttons take on the hex color of #1878B9.

Other configurations

There are additional configurations that can be made to the entire Thank You and/or Order Status pages:

Updating page components like font will apply to all page elements, including the Delighted survey.

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What settings are available for the integration’s rules?

Setting What is it? What settings are supported?
Customer Type Setting that determines if surveys should be restricted based on order count (first purchase vs. returning purchase)
  • All: All customers are surveyed
  • New: Customers making their first purchase with a store
  • Returning: Customers making more than one purchase with a store
Country Setting that determines what countries are eligible to receive the survey. Country is based on the customer’s country via their Shopify customer details
  • All supported Shopify countries (over 100)
  • Only one country can be selected per rule
Sampling Setting that determines what percentage of completed orders are exposed to Delighted surveys on your Thank You and/or Order Status pages
  • Any value between 0% and 100%

Can I connect multiple Shopify stores?

Yes. Each unique Delighted survey can connect to a store. Add as many surveys as you need! 

Does the integration support auto-advance?

Yes. Auto-advance is configured for Delighted Surveys by default — and is also supported in Shopify.

Does the integration support custom logic?

Yes. If branching or conditional logic is configured for your survey, it will be supported via Shopify.

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